The Color Run

So this past weekend I took part in something called The Color Run, which sort of explains itself.  Basically, it is a 5 kilometer run/walk/bike/scooter/dance/whatever gets you across the finish line, but the difference between this run compared to a normal run is that at each kilometer dye is thrown at you.  There is music playing all the time and people running in tutus and just about anything you can imagine!  The slogan for this race is ‘The Happiest 5k on the Planet’, and honestly, it really is!  I was fortunate enough to get to do the run with one of my bestest friends and roommate, Becky!


Wanting to do The Color Run?  Take some of these pointers into consideration!

  1. Don’t wear clothes you like. Don’t wear sneakers you like.  Don’t even wear sunglasses you like.  You will be covered in dye that is questionable as to if it will come out or not.
  2. Some color WILL seep through your clothes, so be prepared to take a half hour shower full of lots of scrubbing and washing following the run.
  3. Find friends.  This thing is a lot better when you have someone to laugh, sing, and dance with during the run.
  4. Be prepared to find color on you for days following the run.
  5. That shower I mentioned earlier?  You may think you have a severe cut and are bleeding, but remember, you have red dye on your face and in your hair, and it is just the color washing away (I made this mistake and had a 7 second panic attack until I realized what was really going on).
  6. If you are in the crowd, be aware that every ten minutes you will be engulfed in a cloud of dye as this is a part of the party (one of the best!)
  7. When you leave, you will probably realize you have been smiling for the whole three hours you just spent at the Color Run venue


Honestly, this was the most fun I’ve had so far this summer!  It was definitely worth the waking up at 4am to drive to the venue (btw, thanks to my momma bear for actually driving me, she’s a doll).

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The Color Run

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